October is National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month.
Meet one of our employees, Evelyn Nickel, who this year captured dual nominations as Employee of the Year through Pennsylvania Industries for the Blind and Handicapped, Inc., and the National Industries for the Blind. Evelyn, who is vision and hearing impaired, is employed at PBA Industries, the BVRS North Side-based manufacturing and assembly division, where for 26 years she has sewn aprons, pillow cases and towels.
“I’m honored to be nominated Employee of the Year—it’s very special.” Evelyn explains. “My visual impairment has taught me determination, patience and a really good sense of humor.”
“Evelyn is a hard worker who is dedicated to the agency and the mission of BVRS,” PBA Industries Director Tara Zimmerman said. “She has a great sense of humor that keeps everyone she works with laughing. Evelyn can always be counted on to take on new tasks or help out where needed.”
By working with government agencies and local businesses, BVRS has been able find employment opportunities for people who need them the most. In addition, BVRS is among the 90 U.S. agencies that provide training and job opportunities for people who are blind. Our nationwide network produces quality products and services for the federal government and commercial customers. This helps keeps jobs in America while at the same time fuels our local economy.
“This year alone, we have provided employment to 56 people who are blind or disabled, and secured jobs in the community for an additional 22 individuals who have disabilities,” said Erika Arbogast, president of Blind and Vision Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh.