News / Information

Media Inquiries

BVRS is a place of dramatic stories. Reporter inquiries should be directed to Leslie Montgomery at 412-368-4400, ext. 2253,


BVRS publishes an annual report, newsletters, agency program brochures, program fliers, and material on eye diseases. These publications are available on request.

Please check back for future Publications updates.

Community Programs

BVRS professionals and community partners share their expertise about vision loss and vision rehabilitation through community lectures on topics such as macular degeneration, age-related vision loss, and vision loss and diabetes. Contact Leslie Montgomery at 412-368-4400, ext. 2253,

Speakers Bureau

Program specialists and public relations professionals are available to speak about vision loss and BVRS programs and services. Contact Leslie Montgomery at 412-368-4400, ext. 2253,

Agency Tours

Tours of BVRS’ Comprehensive Vision Rehabilitation Center in Pittsburgh’s Uptown neighborhood provide an excellent opportunity to observe classes. Call 412-368-4400 to schedule a tour.